Triathletin Daniela Bleymehl nutzt Schallpause

3x IRONMAN Winner:

Since a few weeks, I have been using Schallpause to support my recovery. Especially the module “Sleep” I have integrated into my everyday life because it is often difficult for me in the evening to switch off and just fall asleep. For the first time, I tried Schallpause in the training camp. Actually, you are…

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Dr. Wittmann nutzt Schallpause

Management trainer and Organizational Engineer

As Coach and consultant, I have for many years been dealing with top performers in the profit and non-profit sectors, who are very good in building up tension in their lives (mostly because they enjoy working a lot) but have often forgotten how to relax and to ensure a good balance in their lives. So,…

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Studentin nutzt Schallpause zum Lernen


I am 21 years old and for one year I have an incurable cardiovascular disease. This was also thereason that I started using Schallpause. I use Schallpause mainly in the evening or after school to switch off, but also in acute phases of my illness, it helps me to relax. Schallpause gives me the opportunity…

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