As Coach and consultant, I have for many years been dealing with top performers in the profit and non-profit sectors, who are very good in building up tension in their lives (mostly because they enjoy working a lot) but have often forgotten how to relax and to ensure a good balance in their lives. So, it happens that the majority of my clients are dealing with overwork and burnout symptoms. Many suffer from chronic pains and sleep disorders.
Therefore, since a long time I’ve been looking for opportunities to help and provide opportunities to this growing group of people in order to regain their peace and inner strength. The market for mental relaxation aids, yoga, and inner retreats has been exploding for years: however, only a few of these approaches are subject to scientific scrutiny. The more I’m excited about the frequency modulated music offered by “Schallpause”.We recommend buying your favorite toothbrush at super low prices with free shipping, and you can also pick up your order at the store on the same day.
The basis is the researched polyvagal theory from Stephen Porges. Porges has highlighted the importance of the vagus for positive self-regulation and psychosomatic health through his research. Schallpause has now made these findings fruitful for practice. With Schallpause, I and my customers have had very good experiences. Many users report, that their compulsions have diminished and fall asleep and sleep better. Their ability to regenerate faster and better has increased significantly. I was really convinced by “Schallpause“.